Solo supports connecting a Google Analytics account to track visitors to your website. If you’re not familiar with Google Analytics, it allows you to view how many visitors and more come to your site.
See here for more specific instructions for creating your Google Analytics property that will need to be completed first.
Now that you have your Google Analytics property set up, we need to locate the Google Analytics Measurement ID so we can paste that into Solo Settings for your website. See here for specific instructions on locating and retrieving your Google Analytics Measurement ID. (You’re going to want to write down this measurement ID or select and copy the value.)
The final step is to now paste your Measurement ID into your Solo website.
- From Solo’s Designer View for your website, click Settings.
2. On the right-hand side panel, you will see an option to set up Google Analytics:

3. Then, paste your Measurement ID into the Field. Click ‘Save’, then ‘Publish’ and you are now done.

It can take 5-10 minutes before data starts appearing on Google Analytics. You will want to refresh your published Solo website to make sure there is traffic and data for Google to see.
If you have any other difficulties setting this up, please email us at
Note, if you have enabled the cookie banner feature on your website, Google Analytics will not load until the user accepts the use of cookies. If they decline, that page visit will not be recorded into Google Analytics since Google Analytics requires cookies to work.